Spirit of Hope Celebration Set for November 6th

Pictured are several Board of Ambassadors.
Seated from left to right: Angela Jones, Traci Fosnot, Karen M. Saunders, president of the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Roxanne Schulman and Sharon Lynett.
Standing from left to right: Brian McQuestion, Mark Conway, Esq., Joseph G. Ferguson, Esq., Richard P. Conaboy Jr., Nick Colangelo, Leo Vergnetti, chairman of the Board of Ambassadors, James Gorman, John P. Rodgers, Esq., Tom Blaskiewicz and Scott Henry.
Board of Ambassadors absent from the photo: Jim & Susan Brady, Thomas P. Cummings, Jr., Esq., Cliff & Marsha Fay, Greg Gagorik, Jeff George, John, and Jennifer Heil, Charles C. Jefferson, Jennifer Lynett, Pat McGloin, Philip Medico, Dan Meuser, John Moran, Chuck Morgan, David J. Nape, Dr. Christopher Peters, Billy Rinaldi, Vince Scarpetta, P. Richard Scheller, Patrick Sicilio, Eugene Sperazza, Esq., Dr. & Mrs. Steven J. Szydlowski, and Andrew M. Wallace.
The event features cocktails, food stations, desserts, music, and a live and silent auction. Tickets are $100 each and can be purchased by calling the Cancer Institute at 1-800-424-6724 or by going to www.cancernepa.org. The Tribute to Courage honorees are James Barrett McNulty and Evie Rafalko McNulty.
The Board of Ambassadors is a group of individuals and business leaders in northeast Pennsylvania who have come together to raise funds & awareness to fight cancer in the local community through their support and promotion of a gala event.
The Spirit of Hope Celebration benefits the Cancer Institute’s Patient Navigation Program. This program helps low income and un/underinsured individuals in northeast Pennsylvania get their recommended colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screenings.