The Northeast Regional Cancer Institute was organized in 1991 by Northeastern Pennsylvania hospitals and oncology practices that recognized the value of collaboration and coordination for community cancer control efforts.
Highlights from the past:
1991 - The Cancer Institute is officially launched at a “Celebration of Cooperation” on October 11th.
1993 – The Cancer Institute hosts its first annual Cancer Survivors Celebration.
1993 - The Cancer Institute publishes the first edition of the “Cancer Resources Guide.”
1994 – The Cancer Institute Regional Cancer Registry begins operation.
1996 - The Hereditary Cancer Program is launched at the Cancer Institute.
1998 – The Cancer Institute receives a grant to establish an Epidemiology Research Program.
2003 – The Cancer Institute begins the Targeted Colorectal Cancer Awareness Program.
2004 – The first C.A.S.U.A.L. (Colon cancer Awareness Saves Unlimited Adult Lives) Day is hosted.
2006 – The Cancer Institute is selected to manage the Pennsylvania Cancer Education Network for the Northeast District.
2007 – The Cancer Institute is selected to serve as a regional Tobacco Prevention and Cessation coordinator.
2007 – Cancer Institute partners with Penn State Cancer Institute on a four-year study of colorectal cancer risk factors.
2008 – The Cancer Institute undertakes a study of disparities in local incidence rates of women’s cancers.
2010 - In collaboration with local clinicians, a study exploring risk factors for thyroid cancer is begun. A final report is finished in 2012.
2010 – The Cancer Institute initiates the Cancer Patient Navigation Program.
2011- The Cancer Institute begins a community health survey to establish baseline data so that any potential health impact allegedly linked to natural gas drilling can be measured in the future. A final report is completed in 2012.
2012 – A team of community leaders/volunteers called the “Cancer Institute Ambassadors” begins working to raise funds to support local Cancer Institute programming. The group raises more than $45,000 at their first “Spirit of Hope Celebration.”
2012– The 20th Cancer Survivors Celebration occurs.
2013– Cancer Institute's website is redesigned.
2015–The Patient Navigation Program reaches its five year program mark and has provided over 2,000 screenings since inception.
2015– Judi H Rock On event reaches fifth year and raises over $200,000 which includes matching funds.
2016– The Cancer Institute celebrates its 25th Anniversary.
2016– The Nancy McCormick Volleyball Tournament celebrates its 10th year.
2016– March 31, 2016 is designated as CASUAL Day in PA with a Pennsylvania State Proclamation spearheaded by Representative Karen Boback.
2016– The Fifth Spirit of Hope Celebration is held in November to celebrate the Cancer Institute's 25th Anniversary and honor one of the founders of NRCI, Dr. Harmar Brereton.
2017- Samuel Lesko and Karen Ryczak, RN, study on Colorectal Cancer Rates Increasing Among Young Adults
2018- Lung cancer screening is added to the Navigation Program. Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in NEPA and incidence rates are 19% higher than the average US rate.
2019- NRCI was recognized by The Pennsylvania Commission for Women and Adagio Health as a 2019 Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Partner Recognition Award winner. The award commended NRCI’s continued commitment to improving access to breast cancer screening, treatment and care.
2020- The Community-Based Cancer Screening Navigation Program reached the 10-year program mark and has provided over 5,000 screenings since inception.
2021- NRCI celebrates its 30th anniversary, moved to a new office downtown Scranton and updated branding, including a new logo and tagline.

2023- The 10th Spirit of Hope Celebration was held in November. The Tribute to Courage Honoree was Christopher A. Peters, MD.
2024- The Community-Based Cancer Screening Navigation Program reached the 14-year program mark and has provided over 12,000 screenings since inception.