Northeast Regional Cancer Institute Raises Colon Cancer Awareness Through Annual C.A.S.U.A.L. Day Campaign
Campaign Thrives through Exceptional Community Support.
Thousands of participants across several counties purchased 5,000 shirts and approximately 3,500 awareness pins as part of the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute’s 12th annual C.A.S.U.A.L. (Colon cancer Awareness Saves Unlimited Adult Lives) Day, held on March 26, 2015.
C.A.S.U.A.L. Day is a dress down day held each year at the end of March to raise awareness about the importance of screening and early detection for colorectal cancer. Proceeds from these sales benefit the Cancer Institute’s efforts to raise awareness for colorectal cancer and support screenings for low income, uninsured, or underinsured individuals in NEPA through the Patient Navigation Program.
With the help of our sponsors, team captains and their team members and an increase in dollars from voluntary community donations, the Cancer Institute raised $120,000 to support local colorectal cancer education and outreach services. Additionally, approximately 8,000 individuals took part in the event and raised awareness about life saving screening guidelines and risk factors for this disease.
The Cancer Institute looks forward to the 13th annual C.A.S.U.A.L. Day, set for Thursday, March 31, 2016, and reminds you to continue to share colon cancer awareness information throughout the year in “casual” conversations.