Northeast Regional Cancer Institute Hosts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at New Office Location

Back row, from left to right: Adam Basalyga, Bedrock Technology, Frank Suraci, Bedrock Technology, Michael Frigoletto, DeLuca Frigoletto Advertising, Robert Durkin, President, Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce, Holly Carron, NRCI Board Member, Dr. Samuel Lesko, Medical Director, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Brian Doughton, District Director for Senator Marty Flynn, and Bill Davis, Chief of Staff for Pennsylvania State Representative Kyle Mullins. Front row, from left to right: Amanda E. Marchegiani, Community Relations Coordinator, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Ann Crisanti, Chief Financial Officer, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Susan Belin, NRCI Board member and NRCI founder, Karen M. Saunders, President, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Mayor Paige Cognetti, Representative Bridget Kosierowski, Laura Toole, Executive Vice President, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, Karen Ryczak, Director of Surveillance and Navigation Programs, Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, and Jennifer Manganello, District Staff for Congressman Matt Cartwright.
The Northeast Regional Cancer Institute hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the new office space and feature their new logo on Thursday, August 26, 2021. The new office is located at 312 Adams Ave, Scranton. After the ribbon cutting, office tours were available. 2021 marks the Cancer Institute’s 30th anniversary year.