Cancer Institute Names Chair for 31st Annual Cancer Survivors Day

Susan Drumgould
Susan Drumgould, has been named chair for the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute’s 31st Annual Cancer Survivors Day- Honoring, Remembering, Sharing.
Susan Drumgould is a 13-year breast cancer survivor. Every year on July 23, she celebrates her survivorship anniversary by bringing breakfast goodies to different organizations. She is retired which allows her the time to volunteer for several organizations including Allied Services and St. Joseph’s Center in the aquatic program. She currently volunteers with Friends of the Poor’s Food Bank and with United Neighborhood Centers. Susan enjoys swimming, playing golf and traveling with her husband, James. They reside in West Scranton. Susan has donated to NRCI in memory of her friends and has been an attendee at Cancer Survivors Day for several years.
Cancer Survivors Day is a dual-location event set for Saturday, September 23 at Kirby Park in Wilkes-Barre and Saturday, September 30 at McDade Park in Scranton. The event registration begins at 10:00 a.m. and the program begins at 10:30 a.m. It’s free of charge although pre-registration is encouraged. The events feature the Circle of Survivors, an activity during which every person in attendance can share inspirational words and support about their cancer experience. Conversation and light refreshments provide an additional opportunity for connection and support. Cancer survivors, their families, and friends, as well as caregivers and healthcare professionals are invited to attend. For more information, go to or call the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute at (570) 904-8808.
About The Northeast Regional Cancer Institute
The Northeast Regional Cancer Institute is a nonprofit community-based agency serving counties in northeast Pennsylvania with offices located in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre for over 30 years. Focusing on surveillance, community and patient services, and hospital and practice support services, the Cancer Institute invests 100% of its resources locally.