Happy Holidays from NRCI
Best wishes for a happy holiday season and our sincere thanks for your loyalty and goodwill throughout the year. 2020 has truly taught us how to smile, laugh, dance and appreciate each day we have.
With Gratitude,

*Photo credit with permission from Candy’s Place.
Knitters and cancer survivors, Bee Reggie and Pat Hess came up with a donation idea for walk-ins at Candy’s Place. For a $5 donation, you could put a snowflake or mitten ornament on their tree. Bee also created the Stitch n Bitch support group at Candy’s Place for anyone who wanted to learn how to knit, crochet etc. and chat about things too. Sadly, Bee passed away on November 8, 2020. This image is to honor Bee and all of those who have suffered a loss or hardship this year.