Cancer Survivors Day- Elenore’s Story

Elenore and her daughter, Melody at Cancer Survivors Day events together.
My name is Elenore Ferkel, I’m from Plymouth and I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2011. I’m now in nine years remission after tandem transplants with my own stem cells. It was so hard to understand “why me!?” I kept wondering if I’m strong enough to handle this. I endured two transplants and knew how hard I was going to have to fight to get through this. With the help of my family and doctors and a big shout out to Candy’s Place for the monthly meetings, I started to understand that I wasn’t the only person going through hard times.
Every day is precious to me. You don’t take anything for granted anymore. I started attending the yearly Northeast Cancer Institute Survivors Day picnics with my side kick – my daughter Melody. We met a lot of wonderful people there; we hugged, we cried together, and I learned I wasn’t the only one with cancer. I will deeply miss the event this year.
To anyone with cancer: never give up hope! Fight like there’s no tomorrow and above all if you are ever in need to talk or ask for help don’t hesitate to call Candy’s Place or the Northeast Cancer Institute. Support is there and it feels good to talk to other people who understand what you’re feeling and going through.
Throughout the month of September, we will share stories. This is the opportunity to be a part and give or receive inspiration from our fellow community members. Distance between us shouldn’t put an end to support and togetherness.